News Articles

2021 Shows Announced

Published on: May, 24 2021

The WBCT Board of Directors is excited to announce that we will be presenting a brand new Leslie Kimbell play in October of this year. This will be the world premiere of the third show in the "Four Old Broads" series. "The Miss Magnolia Senior Citizens Pageant" will keep you laughing as you see...

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Drama Camp for 2021

Published on: May, 04 2021

It is with great excitement that we announce that Drama Camp will be held for two weeks during June of this year. Camp dates are June 7-11 and June 21-25.Each week will consist of a morning session (ages 5 to 9) starting at 9:00 am and an afternoon session (ages 10 to 14) starting at 1:00 pm. D...

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2021 WBCT Plans

Published on: Feb, 02 2021

Dear WBCT Patrons,

The WBCT Board of Directors met last night to try to plan for 2021. As you know, we had hoped to have a full season of shows this year for you, but unfortunately it doesn’t look like that will happen. We decided to move all of our shows into 2022 for now, and you will stil...

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WBCT Information for the Remainder of 2020

Published on: Jul, 05 2020

Dear WBCT Supporter,

As you know, this year has been very unusual with all of the Covid 19 requirements and restrictions. WBCT has been anxiously waiting and hoping that we would be able to resume our shows for the remainder of the year. However, it has been decided that we will cancel the r...

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Statement from the WBCT Board of Directors

Published on: Jun, 06 2020

To whom it may concern,
The members of WBCT abhor the violence and unrest in our nation and pray for change and peace. As artists, we promote acceptance and celebration of our differences.
We look forward to a future of respect and understanding among all people, regardless of race, ethnicity,...

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